Saturday, August 9, 2014



            Stripping adalah operasi pemisahan solut dari fase cair ke fase gas, yaitu dengan mengontakkan cairan yang berisi solut dengan pelarut gas (stripping egent) yang tidak larut kedalam cairan.berdasarkan cara kontak antar fase, alat transfer masa difusional dibagi menjadi 2  jenis yaitu: proses kesetimbangan dimana operasi kesetimbangan antar fase, yaitu alat dengan kontak bertingkat (stage wise contact/discree), misalnya menara menggunakan plat atau tray.
 Proses dikontrol kecepatan transfer massa, yaitu alat dengan kontak continyu, misalnya menara sembur, gelembung atau menggunakan bahan isian (packing). Menurut teori lapisan film, jika dua fase dikontakkan, di batas antar fase terdapat keseimbangan fase. Oleh karena itu, korelasi atau data-data di lapisan batas fase ini sangat perlu diketahui. Data-data keseimbangan telah banyak tersedia, meskipun penelitian tentang hal ini masih perlu dilakukan. Beberapa buku, terutama termodinamika telah menyajikan data keseimbangan untuk sistem tertentu, kelarutan gas  Perry ( 6th ed., pp. 3-101 – 3-103)


Stripping is the surgical separation of solute from the gas phase to the liquid phase, 
ie by contacting the fluid containing the solute to solvent gas (stripping Egent) that does not dissolve into the liquid.By way of contact between phases, the diffusional mass transfer tool is divided into 2 types: the process in which the equilibrium between the equilibrium operations phase, ie instruments with multilevel contacts (stage wise contact / discree), for example, using a plate or tray tower.
 The process is controlled mass transfer rate, which is a tool to contact continyu, eg spray the tower, bubble or use stuffing materials (packing).According to the film theory, if the two phases are contacted, at boundaries between phases are equilibrium phases. Therefore, the correlation or the data in the boundary layer is very necessary phase known. Balance data have been widely available, although research on this still needs to be done. Some books, especially thermodynamic equilibrium has been present data for a particular system, the solubility of gases Perry (6th ed., Pp. 3-101 - 3-103)

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